Home Remedies And Natural Cure

by Health & Fitness Guide


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Home remedies are prepared medications utilizing spices, vegetables or other common items found at home. Despite the advancement of conventional medicine, people still opt to use natural remedies in treating common illnesses because it is less expensive, readily available and it has lesser side effects.Home Remedies and Natural Cure provides a compilation of natural remedies for common ailments from A to Z. This app is perfect for users who prefer to treat ailments the traditional way.
App Goal:
To provide a quick access to a precise and reliable natural remedies for common illnesses.
We provide information and 2-4 alternative cure for common illnesses
Skin- abrasions, acne, allergiesStomach- amoebiasis, constipationHeart- hypertension,Bone and muscle- arthritis, backacheLungs- asthma, bronchitis, coughOther infections and a lot more
Heath is wealth! We want to provide a quick fix for people who are experiencing pain or any illnesses.
Our apps are always free, works 100% offline from all android devices and perfectly easy to use.
List of Common Illnesses
Abrasions Diabetes Mellitus Hyperacidity and heart burnAcne Diaper rash IndigestionAllergies Diarrhea InsomniaAmoebiasis Dizziness Intestinal WormsAnaemia Ear infections JaundiceArthritis Edema Kidney stonesAsthma Enema Knee painBack pain Eye infections Lactose intoleranceBed sores Fever LaryngitisBloating Frostbite Leg crampsBody odor Fungal infections Lice treatmentBody rash Gallstones Low blood sugarBoils Gastritis low blood pressureBronchitis Genital warts MeaslesBurns GERD Menstrual crampsCanker sores Gingivitis MigraineChest congestion Goiter Morning sicknessChicken pox Gout MumpsCholera Halitosis NauseaCold sores Hangover NosebleedsColic Headache ObesityCommon colds Heat strokes OsteoporosisCongestion Hemorrhoids Peptic ulcerConjunctivitis Herpes PneumoniaConstipation Hiccups PCOSCough High blood cholesterol Prostate disorderDandruff High blood pressure PsoriasisRheumatismRingwormScabiesShoulder painSinusitisSore throatSprainsStressStretch marksStyeSunburnTonsilitisToothacheTuberculosisUrinary tract infectionVaricose veinsVomitingWartsYeast infections
Download Home Remedies and Natural Cure today and enjoy.God bless, Share this app to your family and friends and lets all be healthy.